Terms and conditions for cookies

Our website uses “cookies” also commonly referred to as “cookies”. “Cookies” are information stored on your end device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) via your web browser. They are important because they allow the server on which our website is embedded to read the information when connected to a particular computer. In principle, this information does not constitute personal data, but it may be used to provide certain functions, such as:

  • to recognize the device and display the website accordingly,
  • Verify the authenticity of the browser session,
  • Personalization of the interface, such as the language or region of your choice,
  • To customize the content of the website according to users’ preferences,
  • content recommendation, font size, etc.

Cookies are encrypted in a way that prevents unauthorized access. Web browsers allow “cookies” to be placed on end devices by default – appropriate browser settings allowing the use of “cookies” are treated as consent to data processing (Article 173 of the Act of July 16, 2004. Telecommunications Law in conjunction with Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO). People browsing our website can make the appropriate configuration of their browser to block the automatic acceptance of “cookies” or obtain information about the transmission of such a file to their device. For more information about cookie handling and possible configurations, please refer to your browser settings. The level of restrictions on the use of cookies may affect the availability and functionality offered by our website, including the possibility of blocking its full operation.

In addition to the above-mentioned purposes related to the configuration and correct display of our website, we use “cookies” to monitor users’ activities on the site (inputs, ways of navigating the website) using tools provided by Google LLC (Google Analytics). You can find more information about the “cookies” used by Google LLC services here: https://policies.google.com/?hl=pl.